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Meadows Primary School

Recovery Premium

- How are we spending it?

We have already spent some of our catch up premium at the end of the last academic year (2020-2021). In order to make best use of the funding, we used our assessment data to identify any children who had slipped back in their attainment.

During the second half of Summer 2020, we used an accredited National Tutoring Programme (NTP) provider, who supplied us with tutors to work with small groups of targeted children.

This academic year, using Summer data from 2020 as our baseline, we have identified the children in need of catch up support. We decided that the most effective use of the funding was to provide additional qualified teaching staff (with a minimum of 2 years’ experience) to work closely with our existing staff within the classrooms. These teachers are employed by an accredited National Tutoring Programme provider. The Meadows staff have identified how to best address the gaps in each child’s learning using their professional judgement and summative data, which has been shared with catch up support staff.

Progress will be monitored through weekly teacher discussion, continued dialogue between class teachers and catch up support staff and summative data at the end of Autumn 2021.

We have also purchased a computer programme for KS2 children called Century Tech. This programme allows teachers to set a diagnostic for new topics, which will identify gaps in learning and then automatically plan a route of small teaching sessions to meet the individual needs of the children. Final progress of the efficacy of the programme will be evaluated within the summative data at the end of Autumn 2021.