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Meadows Primary School


Curriculum Gallery


  • Curriculum Overview
  • EYFS
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Phonics
  • Science
  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Physical Education
  • Computing
  • French
  • Music
  • Religious Studies
  • PSHE


At The Meadows Primary School and Resource Base, we believe that our curriculum should be knowledge rich with clear progression and cohesion. We offer a curriculum that helps to develop our children’s character to be the best that they can be; leading to appreciating, understanding and celebrating diversity. We aim to work together to nurture our children towards academic and social success, increasing their self-belief and aspirations to make a positive difference in the world they live in; both locally and globally. Through our core values of aspiration, equality, respect, resilience and integrity, we are able to support and guide our children to greater understanding socially, emotionally and intellectually. Our curriculum offers the opportunity to Increase the exposure the children have towards high level vocabulary and give opportunities to practise using these words to improve oracy. It improves knowledge of the world, building upon what the children know to create new links and helps to improve the relationships that the children have with each other, building skills and the ability to work together. Through our carefully constructed curriculum our children are able to engage their curiosity and passion for learning.  At Meadows Primary we believe that Rosenshine’s Principals in Action enhance critical thinking skills, enabling our children to compare, analyse, sift, sort and ask perceptive questions to deepen their own understanding of concepts. We believe in offering experiences and skills that are relevant to our children for their everyday life as well as offering them cultural experiences, which may otherwise not be available to them, thus igniting their imagination and creativity. We aim for our curriculum to be fully inclusive, with respect for themselves and for others at the very centre of it. It is our intention for our children to embrace differences within our community and the wider world, and empathise with others whose lives may be different.

To find our more about the curriculum, please contact Mrs Grainger Assistant Head Teacher/Curriculum Lead.

The adaptions to The Meadows Resource Base curriculum can be found here: Resource Base Curriculum Overview