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Meadows Primary School


Click here for our Governing Body Overview 2023-2024: membership, terms of appointment, attendance records, business interests.

Click here for our Governing Body Overview 2022-2023: membership, terms of appointment, attendance records, business interests.

Click here for our Governing Body Overview 2021-2022: membership, terms of appointment, attendance records, business interests.

Click here for our Governing Body Overview 2020-2021: membership, terms of appointment, attendance records, business interests.

What is the role of the Governing Board

All state-funded schools are required to have a Governing Board and our school governors play a strategic role in making decisions and taking action to improve the standards of teaching and learning for all pupils at The Meadows in a safe and stimulating environment.

Collectively, their role is to:

  • Ensure The Meadows has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school, pupils and the performance management of staff
  • Oversee The Meadows finances and make sure money is well spent

Put simply, governors act as a ‘critical friend’, providing support and challenge to the Headteacher and the senior leadership team, working alongside them to evaluate the strategic direction of the school.

What do the Governors do?

Governors have a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school; with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This involves supporting senior leaders, staff, the children, parents and carers in driving improvement and the highest levels of achievement and personal development.

This is achieved through:

  • Governing Board meetings approximately eight times a year. 
  • Committees with specific responsibilities. 
  • Specific link roles to monitor particular areas within the school
  • Regular visits to school and meetings with relevant staff members

Contacting the Governing Board

The Chair of the Governing Board can be contacted through the school or the clerk. Please either ring the main school telephone number 0121 675 3203 or email: 

enquiries@meadowsprimary.org marking your correspondence for the attention of the Governing Board. The governors enjoy receiving feedback on the school; however any complaints must be submitted following the Complaints Policy, which can be found on our policies page.

If you would like more information about the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Board, or about being a governor, please call the school to speak to the Headteacher.

Further information on school governance can be obtained at the National Governors’ Association.