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Meadows Primary School

Parent Workshops

Mental Health Workshops

This year we have been really fortunate to have been able to invite members of the NHS Mental Health Support Team into school. They have been running workshops to help support our pupils to lead mentally healthy lives.
March 2023 - SEND Workshop: speakers from the Communication and Autism Team (CAT), SEND Therapy Team, Mental Health Support Team and Pathfinder. 
Summer 2023 - PI4Parents Workshops
Summer 2023/Autumn 2023 - Wellbeing Workshop
We have also been able to offer a parent workshop run by MSHT on Sleep Hygiene earlier in the year, and are due to start the 5 part, evidence-based Cathy Creswell parent training sessions on supporting children who live with worry in the Summer Term. We will keep you posted with more exciting and supportive workshops soon!

Working Together Meetings

On this page, you will find links to each Year groups presentation at the working together meetings. Any handouts, for parents who were unable to attend, will be given to children to take home.